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Home > Products > Respiratory System Drugs > Antitussive Drugs > Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup

Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup

Basic Info

Model No.: 60ml

Product Description

Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup is used to the treatment of dry cough, including upper respiratory tract infections (such as colds and pharyngitis), bronchitis lead to cough. It may lead to dizziness, headache, drowsiness, irritability, belching, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea, skin irritation, etc, but does not affect the efficacy. After the withdrawal of the above reaction can disappear.

Drug Name

Generic name. Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup

English name. Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup

Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup Indications

It is used to the treatment of dry cough, including upper respiratory tract infections (such as colds and pharyngitis), bronchitis lead to cough.

Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup Adverse Reactions

Dizziness, headache, drowsiness, irritability, belching, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea, skin irritation, etc., but does not affect the efficacy. After the withdrawal of the above reaction can disappear. Excessive can cause confusion, bronchial spasm, respiratory depression.

Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup Matters and Attention

1. Children under 1 year old are advised to consult a physician when using this product.
2. Pregnant women with caution.
3. Allergic to the goods disabled, allergy with caution.
4. This product is prohibited when the use of changes in character.
5. Keep this product out of the reach of children.
6. Children must be used under adult supervision.
7. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.

Dextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrups Product Photos

Syrup of Dextromethorphan & ChlorpheniramineDextromethorphan and Chlorpheniramine SyrupDextromethorphan & Chlorpheniramine Syrup


60 ml / bottle


1 x 10 bottles / cellophane



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Product Categories : Respiratory System Drugs > Antitussive Drugs